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Realizing the Dream is a non-profit organization carrying on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King. The organization was started by their son Martin Luther King III. Dr. King is remembered for his “I Have a Dream” speech highlighting things many people hope to see during a time of turmoil and unrest in the United States and around the world. While his words may have described a time in history they continue to hold true to many who believe the world deserves better future.
Realizing what you want to do with your life is something the organization helps others to understand on a domestic level. Most people want to live in a place where they can take advantage of opportunities that will help them become better people. Some countries have more to offer than others, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle. In promoting Dr. King’s dream, the organization provides insight on how people can purse their goals. It takes more than just doing the action which is something Dr. King has highlighted during his life. People should not only prepare to take action toward their goals, but they should know how to take action and be willing to do the work.
Encouraging better relations with other countries and their citizens on an international level is also explored by the organization. Sometimes turmoil and disagreements among countries make international relations difficult. It may affect economic development and discourage citizens from establishing healthy relationships with others abroad. Some aspire to travel to another country for reasons related to their personal goals. Leaders and government bodies should set the tone for how to communicate with others in peace. Unfortunately, when this doesn’t happen it leads to war, civil unrest, and lost hope for peace and unity.
Many wonder how Dr. King would view various events that occurred recently that left people scared, concerned, and completely overwhelmed. From racial issues to lack of equal opportunities and uneasy immigration relations, many feel things have gotten worse since Dr. King’s assassination. Few believe many have simply lost touch with helping others and focus more on helping themselves. Others view the uprising of violence and tension as a form of punishment and consequence for failing to do what is right morally and religiously.
Having an organization such as Realizing the Dream helps others remember why it is important to stand up for your rights. It is a reminder of what Dr. King believed and how we all share the same hope. Knowing what you want in life, improving international relations, and reviewing current events all play a role in understanding the dream Dr. King had. His dream seemed too good to become reality, but because many don’t share the same views, it may continue to be a dream deferred. Nevertheless, Dr. King’s accomplishments continue to give hope during a time it is needed more than ever. In the meantime, there is still work to be done to make the world a better place and it starts with realizing your dreams. Get more help from MyHomeworkDone.
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